You know, I’d love to tell you it was my Uncle Greg who inspired me to become a successful graphic artist, especially because he let me (at age 9) help him with his Mass Art student projects. Or that it was my favorite instructors at New England School of Art and Design—Joe Eiler (graphic design) and Laura Golly (typography)—who imparted critical notions of diverse color theory and intriguing font pairings.
Or even all my teachers since kindergarten, who would gush that I was soooo talented as a child!
But the truth is, these people only reinforced what I already knew from the moment I picked up a crayon, a colored pencil, or an Xacto blade: THIS is what I wanted to be.
It’s no accident that my résumé—and even my conversations about design—prominently feature three words that are my guiding principles:
INTUITIVE [in-too-i-tiv, -tyoo-] adj. having a keen and quick insight
CREATIVE [kree-ey-tiv] adj. characterized by originality of thought; having or showing imagination
TENACIOUS [tuh-ney-shuh s] adj. holding fast; highly retentive; persistent; having spunk
Professionally, my strategies traversed worlds as diverse as a chic chain of café/bakeries, a world-class science and technology museum, and a women’s domestic violence center. Independently, I’ve explored the challenges of crafting wedding and birthday invitations, special events design and staging, logo and business collateral concepts, and soup-to-nuts fundraiser modeling.
My opportunities propelled me from being a “junior” designer to managing a staff of five even as we all expanded our repertoires into the digital realm, direct mail marketing, and the explosive evolution of the print industry. My favorite colleagues have ranged from pressmen and print sales representatives in one world to digital artists and profoundly talented coders in another. My clients have ranged from the person who needed a new paper menu to the team from Bloomberg Philanthropies, who needed three-dimensional exposition of their foundation’s name to honor a $50 million gift.
And did I mention helping manage two major rebranding initiatives?
The displays on this website do the real talking. These diverse products will confirm my passions and my talent. Through literally hundreds of hours and thousands of sketches, I have strictly kept three goals in mind: (1) magnify my intuition, (2) heighten my creativity, and (3) impose no barrier to my tenacity.